This is probably not the correct interpretation of this error.
The Win32 error above is more likely to indicate the actual problem.
This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
I'm working on obfuscating an assembly and after obfuscation PEVerify issues the following error: [MD]: Error: Method has a duplicate, token=0x060035d8. [token:0x060035D5] [MD]: Error: Method has a duplicate, token=0x060035d5. [token:0x060035D8] Here is the first method declaration with header: // Token: 0x060035D5 RID: 13781 RVA: 0x000D7828 File Offset: 0x000D5A28 .method private [...] read more
Using Unity 5.0.1f1, protobuf-net r668. I've set up a protobuf serializer dll using Visual Studio 2013, set to framework "Unity .Net 3.5 Subset Base Class Libraries" (I've also tried .Net 3.5 with same result). I have 4 parent data types to serialize: two rather simple ones, and two a tad [...] read more
I might not be writing this right (I'm new to C# lol) but I need help with a C# whitelist/activation/license thing. So if I write 1111-1111-1111-1111 as license key in the textbox, I get 31-12-9999 as expiry and Not Discord#5550 as username which is intended but does not work well [...] read more