This is probably not the correct interpretation of this error.
The Win32 error above is more likely to indicate the actual problem.
This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
This question is very similar to V4L2 absolute exposure setting has (almost) not effect I have a UVC compliant camera that I am running on a Raspberry Pi CM3+ module. It appears as video0. Using the tools/drivers v4l2-ctl, qv4l2 or guvcview the absolute exposure cannot be controlled, yet it can [...] read more
Here is what my App does - 1. Capture an image (using AVFoundation APIs) 2. Add a new metadata tag to it (using AVCapture FileDataRepresentation()) 3. Save it to the iPhone's Photo Library (using PHPhotoLibrary creationRequest) I'm stuck in 2) because the newly added metadata is ignored and does not [...] read more
A trivial class: public class TestClass : System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityCredentialsManager { } When compiled using csc against the MS CompactFramework v3.5 will result in a dll that fails to pass peverify, resulting in a "Type load failure". It appears to be an issue with inheriting from the SecurityCredentialsManager class which is part [...] read more