This is probably not the correct interpretation of this error.
The Win32 error above is more likely to indicate the actual problem.
This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
I'm getting a strange crash in the webthread, happening when releasing a URLResponse. I did not directly manipulate the contents of the URLCache, so what could be the cause of this problem? Here's the crash log for reference: Incident Identifier: E4116BAA-7467-42F8-B28E-7A1FA2D12278 CrashReporter Key: dcaac993b4bfa7e5015f07b0ffc611182b196e57 Hardware Model: iPad2,1 Process: *** [6299] [...] read more
I have been trying all day to fix a segmentation fault that only occurs on one device. But from the beginning... #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "pthread.h" void* start_rtn(void* param); int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Hallo World\n"); pthread_t tid; int err = pthread_create(&tid, NULL, start_rtn, NULL); pthread_join(tid, [...] read more
I need the bytes of a BIN file converted to a unsigned int, in this format (JavaScript): p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000000), 0x00000be9); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000004), 0x90909000); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000008), 0x90909090); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000000c), 0x90909090); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000010), 0x0082b955); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000014), 0x8948c000); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000018), 0x415741e5); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000001c), 0x41554156); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000020), 0x83485354); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000024), 0x320f18ec); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000028), 0x89d58949); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000002c), 0x64b948c0); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000030), 0x77737069); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000034), 0x49000000); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000038), 0x4120e5c1); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000003c), 0x000200bc); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000040), [...] read more
After running into some initial connection errors (which were resolved via Watchguard Firewall - Issues with SSLVPN), I'm able to accept the SSL certificate provided by the firewall and get further into the connection process / attempt. However, I'm still unable to complete the connection, and I'm currently seeing the [...] read more
I am using visual studios 2017 on windows 10 and I wrote a c++ program to open a handle to a process. The program runs and opens the process. I ran the program in the debugger and it looks like all the functions passed. However I know the DLL is [...] read more