This is probably not the correct interpretation of this error.
The Win32 error above is more likely to indicate the actual problem.
This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
This question is based on the same project as the other Binary Bomb Phase 6 questions (most likely will be related links), but for some reason I can't find the nodes themselves, to check their increasing/decreasing values. When I try to use the function: x/3x $eax, it returns: Cannot access [...] read more
A friend has the following BSOD on Vista, about each 45 minutes: > A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage > to your computer. > > > win32k.sys > > The driver mistakenly marked a part of it's image pagable instead of > [...] read more
I am analyzing thread-dumps for high CPU usage but all I see is most of the threads are showing message - "This thread is waiting to enter a .NET Lock which is owned by thread" and mostly all call the Microsoft Practices EnterpriseLibrary ConfigurationChangeWatcher. We are using MS Ent Lib [...] read more