This is probably not the correct interpretation of this error.
The Win32 error above is more likely to indicate the actual problem.
This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
I have a JPEG that is un-openable in any program: Opening in Ubuntu Image Viewer yields: could not load image. bogus huffman table definition [] Passing the photo through convert yields similar results: $ convert corrupt.jpg out.jpg convert.im6: Bogus Huffman table definition `corrupt.jpg' @ error/jpeg.c/JPEGErrorHandler/316. convert.im6: no images defined `out.jpg' [...] read more
I am trying to learn the startup process of an ARM processor by writing my own startup code and linker script. The chip I use is an LPC810, and I followed the examples from, and both examples workes on my board, so the circuit is OK. Then, I try [...] read more
I am trying to apply a kernel function on a __device__ variable, which, according to the specs, resides "in global memory" #include <stdio.h> #include "sys_data.h" #include "my_helper.cuh" #include "helper_cuda.h" #include <cuda_runtime.h> double X[10] = {1,-2,3,-4,5,-6,7,-8,9,-10}; double Y[10] = {0}; __device__ double DEV_X[10]; int main(void) { checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(DEV_X, X,10*sizeof(double))); vector_projection<double><<<1,10>>>(DEV_X, 10); getLastCudaError("oops"); [...] read more
I have a custom c++ module for python that exposes functions, some of which use TBB (tbb21_015oss) to accelerate processing. Until now, I had no problem when calling a TBB-accelerated function from Python (2.6.2) in a Win32 environment. But now, I have a problem when calling such a function from [...] read more
I have some static, constant data that I need to be able to retrieve at runtime. Where do I need to put that data and how can I access it? I've tried putting the data in .text and in .data, and using ld r24, X. I've also tried using GDB's [...] read more
With mspgcc-size I can get an output like this: text data bss dec hex 13072 236 65296 78604 1330c We know that: Flash = data + text RAM = data + bss How can I extract the size of ROM/RAM from the selected -mmcu=msp430g2553 with the toolchain? e.g. ROM: 8192 [...] read more
We are running lotus domino server 6.5 in one our VM machine. The web applications hosted in this server are running for past 10 year with no issue. But suddenly for past few months the server is crashing frequently. I have used LND to analyze the crash details and all [...] read more
I need the bytes of a BIN file converted to a unsigned int, in this format (JavaScript): p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000000), 0x00000be9); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000004), 0x90909000); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000008), 0x90909090); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000000c), 0x90909090); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000010), 0x0082b955); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000014), 0x8948c000); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000018), 0x415741e5); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000001c), 0x41554156); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000020), 0x83485354); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000024), 0x320f18ec); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000028), 0x89d58949); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000002c), 0x64b948c0); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000030), 0x77737069); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000034), 0x49000000); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000038), 0x4120e5c1); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x0000003c), 0x000200bc); p.write4(shellcode.add32(0x00000040), [...] read more
Hi i have a problem with my subroutine code. here is my code. It's giving a > Runtime exception at 0x00400074: address out of range 0x000000c8 error. The line is: sb $t2, 0($t4) - It's the second store byte. intToa: addi $sp, $sp, -12 sw $ra ,8($sp) sw $a0, 4($sp) [...] read more
I have an NSFetchRequest set to fetch properties with enough information to populate a row displaying a user - their company, name, etc, and the number of things assigned to them. I send this to an NSFetchedResultsController which I'm using to populate rows in a table. The property I'm having [...] read more
I am having trouble implementing an event sink for DShellWindowsEvents from SHDocVw.dll in Microsoft Visual C++. The problem arises inside my implementation of IDispatch::Invoke. I implemented it by delegating its call to ITypeInfo::Invoke (as suggested by Microsoft on remarks section), but it always fails with error code 0x80020003 (Member not [...] read more
We are running domino server is one of our virtual machine. We also see "allocation failure" and "GC Cycle started" error in our domino console frequently after moving to VM OSVersion: Windows Server 2003 5.2 (Build 3790), PlatID=2, Service Pack 2 (4 Processors) Notes Build: Release 6.5 September 26, 2003 [...] read more
The Program works fine as a stand alone on CC2650 (M3). But it shall be used also as a firmware which is loaded over the radio channel. For this purpose the position independent code is needed. The problem is, all of the variables defined as described below are not set. [...] read more
I'm writing code in assembly and i have a big trouble solving the error below. Tried to find solutions all over the internet, but didn't managed to find a suitable solution. i'm using CSS and the EK-TM4C123GXL LauchPad. The code itself is scissored from a larger one that i [...] read more
I ran in some trouble by "learning" SDL2. The program just crashes with the "errormodulename" StackHash_0a9e (whatever THAT is), whenever I press a key which is in my switch loop. This is the method: void InputMan::acceptInput(SDL_Event * e,Graphics * g){ std::cout<<"handling input"<<std::endl; switch(e->key.keysym.sym){ case SDLK_UP: { Sprite * s=g->spriteByName("Filip"); if(s->getRow()==2){ [...] read more
anyone know how to do the QR decomposition via modified Gram-Schmidt method in C and CUDA. Some example/source/paper or other else? Thanks so much. Edit: I can't answer to my question because someone have closed it, so i decided to update my question. /* * QR decomposition via modified Gram-Schmidt [...] read more
I'm getting the screenshots from the following code: CGImageRef cgScreen = UIGetScreenImage(); if (cgScreen) { UIImage *result = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:cgScreen]; CGImageRelease(cgScreen); return result; } I'm calling the above code in a timer of 1/1.0 seconds as: [array addObject:[UIImage imageWithScreenContents]]; where imagewithScreenContents is a function. But after some seconds i.e after [...] read more