This is probably not the correct interpretation of this error.
The Win32 error above is more likely to indicate the actual problem.
This code indicates success, rather than an error.
This may not be the correct interpretation of this code,
or possibly the program is handling errors incorrectly.
I wish to mount a remote data source locally as a fuse file system. This is listed as supported by lsvfs: lsvfs Filesystem Num Refs Flags -------------------------------- ---------- ----- --------------- devfs 0x00000071 4 synthetic, jail cd9660 0x000000bd 0 read-only procfs 0x00000002 4 synthetic, jail nfs 0x0000003a 0 network zfs 0x000000de [...] read more
Using Unity 5.0.1f1, protobuf-net r668. I've set up a protobuf serializer dll using Visual Studio 2013, set to framework "Unity .Net 3.5 Subset Base Class Libraries" (I've also tried .Net 3.5 with same result). I have 4 parent data types to serialize: two rather simple ones, and two a tad [...] read more
Is it possible to use robocopy with volume id paths? C:\>robocopy /MIR /COPYALL /R:0 \\?\Volume{8a20c0df-ba3-44e9-8529-e6cd231a6759}\ \\?\Volume{3f1c91a3-39c0-11e6-a9fc-000c29ac2558}\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROBOCOPY :: Robust File Copy for Windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Started : Fri Jun 24 13:32:25 2016 Source : \\?\Volume{8a20c0df-0ba3-44e9-8529-e6cd231a6759}\ Dest : \\?\Volume{3f1c91a3-39c0-11e6-a9fc-000c29ac2558}\ Files : *.* Options : *.* /S /E /COPYALL /PURGE /MIR /R:0 [...] read more
I'm trying to understand the difference of behavior between a code compiled with the GCC option -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 and the default value which is -mpreferred-stack-boundary=4. I already read a lot of Q/A about this option but I am not able to understand the case I'll described below. Let's consider this code: [...] read more
xchg [ebp-0xA], esp mov eax, [0x57C49B84] mov ch, 0xB9 xchg [eax-0x13], dl push ebp jle 0x00000035 mov esp, 0xA6BC800F pop ebx inc esi fcmovb st(0), st(5) pop Image of Eigenfaces.png open in wxHexeditor: [] Some of the disassambled hex code: [] read more
I'm using Xcode 5 to make my app. When I run it on the simulator using IOS 6.1 everything works perfectly, but when I run the app on IOS 7 it crashes! Here is the crash log I'm getting from the webview: `Incident Identifier: 01BCFB4C-E85B-488D-9855-4188D27566B1 CrashReporter Key: cc047dce10a1cd20b4718dbf73ddc413162841fe Hardware Model: [...] read more
I wrote a windows service in C++ that needs to restart every night at midnight, so I call exit(1) on it so that it can be restarted by SCM. The problem is it seems every other night it starts up partially and hangs. In the event log, I get this: [...] read more
I'm taking a computer architecture class, and they're having us use MIPS assembly. Our current assignment is asking us to take a user-inputted hex string, and turn it into a binary one. The code I've written "works", but it's horrible, to say the least. What would be a better approach [...] read more
I have a file on a server that I want to copy to a list of hosts on the domain. I use the following script to populate a .txt file that lists connected hosts: @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set "xNext=" set "xComputer=" for /f %%A in ('net view /all') do [...] read more
I am absolute newbie when it comes to powershell. What I want to do is copy one file from my computer to another computer on same network using powershell . I tried robocpy ROBOCOPY \\C:\try.txt \\\Users\Desktop\ /Z but it says > ERROR 53 (0x00000035) > The network path was not [...] read more
Basically I have a type="file" which sends an image to server, In server I need to check that the image size is not higher than 1MB if it's send an error to client about the image size so the client could pop an error to user. Here is my servlet [...] read more
I want to start making games with Unreal Engine 4. So, I downloaded a pre-compiled version of UE4 from a reliable third-party website, which is worked for my friend. For running UE4, I start UE4editor.exe from C:\UE4\Engine\Binaries\Win64 folder. When I run it, the following error message shows, the progress hangs [...] read more
I may be going about this in the complete wrong way, but I thought i'd first pose the question here. I have a log file generated from the Windows processes RoboCopy), which I have then opened up through PHP and created an array for every line of the log. I've [...] read more
I'm analyzing a handle leak and memory leak in a Outlook plugin. I put my analysis step here, as I hardly have any c++ knowledge (Last time I used c++ is 7 years ago). After searching from Google, I used WinDbg's !htrace -diff command to find the handle leak. Also, [...] read more
I am trying to run my MVC application through visual studio but unfortunately, I am getting the network path was not found please find stack trace below System.IO.IOException occurred HResult=0x00000035 Message=The network path was not found. Source=mscorlib StackTrace: at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.Win32ErrorStatic(Int32 errorCode, String str) at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive hKey, String machineName, RegistryView view) [...] read more